The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 1, CHAPTER 4. DESIRE: THE LINK WITH LIFE, Talks by OSHO in 1972, Bombay, India
DESIRE: THE LINK WITH LIFE 18 February 1972 pm in Bombay, India Question 1 LAST NIGHT YOU SAID THAT DESIRES MOVE BETWEEN THE DEAD PAST AND THE IMAGINARY FUTURE. PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW AND WHY THIS DEAD PAST PROVES SO DYNAMIC AND POWERFUL THAT IT COMPELS A PERSON TO FLOW INTO THE PROCESS OF ENDLESS DESIRE. HOW CAN ONE BE FREE FROM THIS DYNAMIC PAST, THE UNCONSCIOUS AND THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS? THE past is not dynamic at all: it is totally dead. But still it has a weight – a dead weight. That dead weight works; it is not dynamic at all. Why the dead weight works has to be understood. The past is so forceful because it is the known, the experienced, and mind always feels fearful of the unknown, the unexperienced. And how can you desire the unknown? You cannot desire the unknown. Only the known can be desired. So desires are always repetitious. They repeat, they are circular. You always move in the same pattern, in the same circle. The mind becomes just a groove of rep...